Wednesday, February 20, 2008

When I checked the Mail...

...there was a big brown package, it was full of blackberry and raspberry plants that I had ordered last fall, only to find that they wouldn't ship till Spring! So they are finally here. Unlike my sister, I relish the though of having fruit coming out of my ears.... In fact I want my gardens to be at least 80% productive plants eventually. I guess one day I can learn how to get the rosehips from my roses and put rose petals in my fruit salads and on my cakes....but not quite there I don't consider them part of my edibles yet. I did replace a sage bush that had died though with a blueberry plant! Yes! I want produce! OK, back to my berries! So amongst my laundry, giving Jorge a much needed haircut, and general housework, I need to go out to the garden and turn over some dirt, mix in the manure that I picked up at Walmart yesterday (thankfully they sent me a shipping notice, and so I had a 'heads-up' that they were on their way) and plant them thangs!

Care to join me?

P.S. does anyone know anything about the health of fruit trees??? My peach tree's tips are messed up, either by bugs (grasshoppers?), or some fungus/disease... I have chopped some off and plan to go over the rest in hopes of protecting it...we had a wet summer last apricot tree didn't make it...but the peaches were great...hoping for a good crop this year.


Anonymous said...

Hey. I will see if my dad can give you some advise on your fruit trees. He loves his gardening and we had fruit trees for years so hopefully he will be able to help you out. I am so annoyed that our email isnt working. We dont know how to fix it either. I might try and write you a letter and post it the old fashioned way. I'll see how I go. By the way I have nine weeks to go and there isnt much to be said on the decorating side as we havent painted the room yet.

Anonymous said...

excuse me, madam, but i would be THRILLED with all my fruit if it wasn't for the fact that i have...
1. just got married
2. just moved house
3. just moved town
4. just moved to a new church
5. a friend-circle to develop
6. changed 'cultures'
7. unpacking still needing to be done
...all at EXACTLY THE SAME TIME!!!!!
cut me some slack, woman! :P