Saturday, April 7, 2007

It's snowing outside.....

Big fluffy falkes of snow are drifting down outside my window.....they sure are pretty....only I am having a hard time enjoying them, as I am hoping that it doesn't ruin all my baby peaches on my tree! Anybody know if it will? Our dog is outside freezing.....she's not the smartest of critters, as she has a perfectly good doghouse.....dumb dog! We are supposed to have two days like this, and then back up to about 70* on Monday! Then that should be it.....I hope. Last night was the final night of our Bible study meetings....they went very well. We didn't have that many "extras" show up, but it was a great time just the same. With today being so cold it has me in a "comfort food" mood. So....I have fruit bread baking in the bread machine, and I plan on making, or at least attempting to make, Carne Guisada for supper......Back again.....finished my CG and it turned out great! We'll have it with guacamole, mexican rice, refried beans, tortillas, and have a mexican feast! We all love mexican food. We have Alec and Hayden tonight as well. This week we start on the yard. I just finished ordering my bluberries, blackberries, tangerine, grapefruit etc.....plants! The rest, mostly veggies, we'll get local. Anyway, I'll try to keep in touch! By the way, this actually is my second post....the first one about a week ago, got "lost" somehow when i tried to publish it.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. I would love for it to snow here but I don't think that will happen. Still wanting to see more pics. I will try to get an email sent to you with some pics from our weekend away with Kristy. Good to hear from you.

Anonymous said...

Meli beat me to comment! What is with that?! We can tell who is at home today! :)

Yes, about jolly time you posted!! Shock horror. :) Your "lost" may have accidentally hit the "draft" button instead of the "publish" button--I do it regularly without noticing! Check the list of your posts (you know, when you're signed in?). You may see it there with "draft" next to it. If so, all you do is click "edit" then "publish".

Yeps, Mickus, Melus & I went away for two nights over the weekend (did you read my blog of late?). We had a great time. Beautiful place, beautiful weather. I'll blog a couple pics in the next day or so (hopefully).

Anonymous said...

And, btw, did Lydia get the privilege of seeing all those posts I blogged for her birthday here and there?