Saturday, August 18, 2007


We're on the local newspaper's website....if you want to see, go to and click on the Airfest page on the main slideshow.... :) Thought you might get a kick out of it!


Anonymous said...

That is heaps cool. BTW I don't think Jekkie is 7 :). I have been to the airbase down here with my dad. He used to work there. I don't think they were flying though, I can only remember looking at the ones on the ground. Thanks for the update.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have to agree with Mel here. Last time I checked, Jekkie was NOT seven years old! Stop growing! She's scaring me:D Just kidding

Anonymous said...

Yeah, we all got a chuckle over Jek being 7...what a dwarf. :)

Pretty cool to get your picture in!